AA06 House


Molina de Segura, Murcia

AA06 House is designed for a family of five, two humans and 3 non-humans that is close to terms of economic sustainability through its spatial simplicity. The objective is to build it with materials that do not exceed the limits of the Region of Murcia, reducing emissions in transport. The cooling and heating system has been designed using a renewable energy system, called aerothermal energy, capable of using 75% of the environmental energy from the air, to heat and heat hot water in winter and cool the environment in summer. Instead of a large pool, a small saltwater pool has been proposed for a limited consumption of water and energy but to satisfy the high summer temperatures in Murcia. A rainwater collection system is incorporated to irrigate the garden of autochthonous Mediterranean vegetation, designed to consume a minimum of water and withstand temperatures all year round.

AA06 House

